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Rev "+versionNum+"
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const TASK_REMIND_TIME_CHOICES = [ { value: 1, text: '1:00' }, { value: 2, text: '2:00' }, { value: 3, text: '3:00' }, { value: 4, text: '4:00' }, { value: 5, text: '5:00' }, { value: 6, text: '6:00' }, { value: 7, text: '7:00' }, { value: 8, text: '8:00' }, { value: 9, text: '9:00' }, { value: 10, text: '10:00' }, { value: 11, text: '11:00' }, { value: 0, text: '12:00' } ]; const ONE_PER_DAY_TASKS = ['/save_new_body_log/', '/save_body_goal/', '/save_activity/', '/update_user_info/', '/set_user_calorie_goal/', '/track_steps/', '/track_sleep/', '/track_water/', '/track_custom_activity/']; const PLAN_ENDING_OPTIONS = [ { label: 'Do nothing', value: 'null' }, { label: 'Repeat once', value: 'REPEAT_PLAN_ONCE' }, { label: 'Repeat indefinitely', value: 'REPEAT_PLAN_INDEFINITELY' }, { label: 'Remove access to this plan', value: 'DEACTIVATE_PLAN' }, { label: 'Deactivate their account', value: 'DEACTIVATE_ACCOUNT' }, { label: 'Assign another plan', value: 'ASSIGN_ANOTHER_PLAN' } ]; const BASE_APP_ITUNES_LINK = ''; 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Rev "+versionNum+"
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} }, true); } else { ajaxCall('/nag_domain_admin_about_baa/', [], function(json) { renderBBABlockerModalForNonDomainAdmin(json); }); } } } } else if (endpoint === '/account_settings/') { var replacedomArr = replacedom.split('-'); replacedom = replacedomArr[0]; var innerCallbackFunction = function (replacedomArrPart2) { var theMyTeamSettingInterval = setInterval(function () { const teamTab = $('#' + replacedomArrPart2); if (teamTab.length === 1) { clearInterval(theMyTeamSettingInterval); const settingsBsTab = new bootstrap.Tab('#mainnavul a.nav-link[href="#settings"]');; const teamBsTab = new bootstrap.Tab(teamTab);; objectClick(teamTab); } }, 5); } $.getScript(scriptbase + "account.js", function () { // accountLoaded = 1; renderAccountSettings(json, replacedom); $('a.nav-menu-item[data-endpoint="/account_settings/"]').tab('show'); if (replacedomArr.length === 2) { innerCallbackFunction(replacedomArr[1]); } }); } else if (endpoint === '/domain_admin_toggle_private_messaging/' || endpoint === '/domain_admin_toggle_virtual_clinic/') { if (json['status'] === 1) { setTimeout(function () { document.location.href = document.location.origin; 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if (json.redirectToPage !== undefined) { if ($('a[href^="#' + json.redirectToPage + '"]').length > 0) { $('a[href^="#' + json.redirectToPage + '"]').trigger('click'); } } }); }); } else if (endpoint === '/provider_edit_meal/' || endpoint === '/provider_update_meal_food_serving_count/' || endpoint === '/provider_remove_meal_food_item/' || endpoint === '/provider_add_food_to_meal/') { $.getScript(scriptbase + "meals.js", function () { // mealsLoaded = 1; if (endpoint === '/provider_update_meal_food_serving_count/' || endpoint === '/provider_remove_meal_food_item/' || endpoint === '/provider_add_food_to_meal/') { document.cookie = "dirty_recipe_editor=true"; $('#done-editing-recipe-btn').removeClass('btn-secondary').addClass('btn-primary').prop('disabled', false); } renderProviderEditRecipe(json, replacedom); }); } else if (endpoint === '/send_private_message/' || endpoint === '/send_private_message_to_staff/') { if (accountType == 'P' || accountType == 'S') { if ($('.compose-message-modal').hasClass('show')) { $('.compose-message-modal').removeModal(); } if (replacedom == 'messages') { $.getScript(scriptbase + 'messages.js', function () { renderProviderMessages(json, replacedom); }); } else if (replacedom == 'conversation-detail') { $.getScript(scriptbase + 'messages.js', function () { renderMessageConversation(json, replacedom); }); } else if (replacedom == 'patient-detail-messages') { $.getScript(scriptbase + 'patient_detail.js', function () { sendPatientMessageCallback(json, replacedom); }); } } else { $.getScript(scriptbase + "messages.js", function () { newProviderMessageCallback(json); }); } } else if (endpoint == '/provider_check_baa_signature_status/') { checkContractSignedCallback(json, replacedom); } else if (endpoint === '/provider_opt_out_of_baa/') { optOutOfBAACallback(json); } else if (endpoint === '/save_survey_answer/') { loadScript('surveys.js', function () { answerQuestionCallback(json); }); loadScript("patients.js", function () { updateSurveyStartDate(json); }); } else if (endpoint === '/finish_survey/') { loadScript('surveys.js', function () { finishSurveyCallback(json); }); if (accountType === 'P' || accountType === 'S') { loadScript("patient_detail.js", function () { renderManagePatientSurveys(json, replacedom); }); } else if (accountType === 'U') { loadScript("program.js", function () { Program.finishSurveyCallback(json, replacedom); }); } } else if (endpoint === "/admin_update_transaction_email/") { if ( parseInt( json['status'] ) === 1 ) $('#'+replacedom).html( json['data']['email'] ).prev('td').find('.updateBuyerPatientEmail').data('email', json['data']['email']); } else if (endpoint === '/set_user_calorie_goal/') { if (accountType === 'U') { loadScript('food.js', function () { renderSetCalorieGoalCallback(json); }); } else if (accountType === 'P') { loadScript('patients.js', function () { updateCalorieGoalCallback(json); }); } } else if (endpoint === '/get_bonus_tab_content/') { let tabID = json['data']['tab_id']; if (replacedom === 'edit-plan-bonus-tab-content-' + tabID) { // rendering tab content when editing a plan requires a different rendering function loadScript('edit_plan.js', function () { renderEditPlanBonusTabContent(json, replacedom); }); } else { loadScript('program.js', function () { Program.renderProgramBonusTabContent(json, replacedom); }); } } else if (endpoint === '/update_custom_food_serving/') { loadScript('food.js', function () { renderUpdateCustomFoodServing(json, replacedom); }); if (accountType === 'P') { loadScript('meals.js', function () { renderUpdateCustomFoodList(json); }); } } else if (endpoint === '/add_custom_food_serving/') { loadScript('food.js', function () { renderNewServingAdded(json, replacedom); }); if (accountType === 'P') { loadScript('meals.js', function () { renderUpdateCustomFoodList(json); }); } } else if (endpoint === '/update_custom_food/') { if (accountType === 'P') { loadScript('meals.js', function () { renderUpdateCustomFoodList(json); }); } } else if (endpoint === '/update_custom_food_photo/') { if (accountType === 'P') { loadScript('meals.js', function () { renderUpdateCustomFoodList(json); }); } } else if (endpoint === '/preview_plan_day_as_email/') { if (json.status == 1) { $('#' + replacedom).removeModal(); } } else if (endpoint === '/provider_edit_recipe_in_place/') { loadScript('meals.js', function () { editingRecipeInPlace = replacedom; renderProviderEditRecipe(json, replacedom); }); } else if (endpoint === '/provider_edit_exercise_in_place/') { loadScript('exercises.js', function () { editingExerciseInPlace = replacedom; renderExerciseEditor(json, replacedom); }); } else if (endpoint === '/provider_update_inbody_api_credentials/') { if (accountType == 'P') { loadScript('account.js', function () { renderInbodyAPIAccessCallback(json, replacedom); }); } } else if (endpoint === '/provider_resell_premium_plan/' || endpoint === '/provider_sell_exclusive_plan/') { loadScript('plans.js', function () { if ($('').length > 0) { $('').removeModal(); } renderEditPlan(json, replacedom); }); } else if (endpoint === '/upload_photo_tinymce/') { $.getScript(HTTP_PATH + '/image_browser/image_browser.js', function () { managePhotoAlbumImageBrowser(json, replacedom); }); } } } } } function renderErrorModal(json, modalSize, showHeader) { modalSize = (undefined === modalSize) ? null : modalSize; showHeader = (undefined === showHeader) ? true : showHeader; let html = ''; let modalID = 'error-message-' + generateUUID(); const message = (json.hasOwnProperty('modal_message')) ? json.modal_message : json.lg_modal_message; html += `'; // modal $('body').append(html); if ($('').length) { // if there is a modal showing currently, // we should hide it so we can show the timeout warning // and then show it again if the user chooses to stay logged in let currentModalID = $('').attr('id'); $('#' + currentModalID).modal('hide'); } $('#' + modalID).modal({ backdrop: 'static' }).modal('show'); } function jsonResponseMessage( json ) { // check for ajax message box, add to DOM if necessary if($(".ajax-message").length == 0) { if( ismobile ) $("body").append('
'); else $("#mainnavbar").parent().prepend('
'); } if ($('.pvbtn-card').length > 0 && $('.pvbtn-card-ajax-message').length == 0) { $('.previewmain').prepend('
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' + nl2br( json['message'] ) + '
'); $("#reset").unbind().bind("click",function() { // Page refresh $(window).unbind('beforeunload'); document.location.href = document.location.origin; }); return false; } } sMsgHtml = '
' + nl2br(json['message']) + '
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parseInt($(this).attr('data-scrolled-to-bottom')) : 0; if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight * .75) { if (hitBottom == 0) { $(this).attr('data-scrolled-to-bottom', '1'); // do ajax call objectClick($(this)); } } }; if (typeof _ !== 'undefined') { $('.ascroll').on('scroll', _.throttle(scrollCall, 500)); } $('.modal-header').each(function() { if ($(this).children('.btn-close').length === 0 && !$(this).hasClass('no-close-btn')) { $(this).append(closeModal()); } }); $('*[data-toggle="show-password-input"]').on('mousedown', function() { let input = document.querySelector($(this).attr('data-target')); input.type = 'text'; $(this).removeClass('fa-eye-slash').addClass('fa-eye'); }).on('mouseup', function() { let input = document.querySelector($(this).attr('data-target')); input.type = 'password'; $(this).removeClass('fa-eye').addClass('fa-eye-slash'); }); return true; } // Runs when "abtn" clicked or activated by 'Enter' on inputs with 'ainput' css selector/class function objectClick( thisObject ) { $("#ajax-message").empty(); if (thisObject.hasClass('nav-menu-item') || thisObject.hasClass('main-section')) { if (thisObject.hasAttr('data-background-class')) { $('body').addClass(thisObject.attr('data-background-class')); } else { $('body').removeClass(function(index, className) { return ((BACKGROUND_CLASSES.indexOf(className) != -1) ? className : ''); }); } } if( thisObject.attr("data-action-prompt-message") ) { if ($('#confirmmodal').length > 0) { $('#confirmmodal').removeModal(true); } var confirmmodal = ''; confirmmodal += ''; $("body").append(confirmmodal); const confirmBsModal = new bootstrap.Modal('#confirmmodal', { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false });; // 'No' button clicked $(".cancel-modal-action").on("click",function() { if("input[type='checkbox']") && thisObject.attr("data-toggle") == "toggle" ) { if( thisObject.prop("checked") == true ) { thisObject.prop("checked",false ); thisObject.bootstrapToggle('off'); } else { thisObject.bootstrapToggle('on'); thisObject.prop("checked",true ); } } }); // 'Yes' button clicked $("#confirm-modal-action").on("click",function() { let doCall = true; if (thisObject.attr('data-endpoint') === '/logout_attempt/' && undefined !== window.rpmMonitor) { if (window.rpmMonitor.timer_running) { doCall = false; window.rpmMonitor.stopTimer(function() { executeAjaxCall( thisObject ); }); } } if (doCall) { preventajaxcallendpoints = []; preventajaxcallmessage = null; executeAjaxCall(thisObject); $("#confirmmodal").empty().remove(); } }); } else // no action-prompt { executeAjaxCall( thisObject ); } } function ajaxCall(endpoint, params, successcallback, showWaiter, btnObject) { let postparams = encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify(params) ); let csrfToken = Math.random().toString(20).substr(2, 20); // TODO: replace with real token showWaiter = (typeof showWaiter === 'boolean') ? showWaiter : false; successcallback = (typeof successcallback === 'function') ? successcallback : function(json) { /* do nothing */}; setTimeout(function() { // empty the ajax-message box $.ajax({ url:AJAXURI + endpoint, method: "POST", dataType: 'JSON', data: { 'data':postparams }, headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': csrfToken }, beforeSend: function(xhr) { if (showWaiter) { showWaitSpinner(); } if (typeof btnObject !== 'undefined') { btnObject.append(''); } }, success:function(json, status, xhr) { hideWaitSpinner(); $('#button-waiter').remove(); successcallback(json); }, error:function(xhr, status, error) { // Do error stuff here hideWaitSpinner(); $('#button-waiter').remove(); jsonResponseMessage({ status: 0, message: "Something went wrong, please try again." }); console.log('AJAX request failed: '+error); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { if ($('#pleasewait').length > 0) { hideWaitSpinner(); } } }); }, 50); } // Execute the ajax call on a DOM object and run the standard 'parseJSONResponse' callback // or the given callback function executeAjaxCall( thisObject, callCallbackFunction ) { var params = {}; var endpoint = thisObject.attr("data-endpoint"); if( preventajaxcallendpoints.length > 0 ) { if( preventajaxcallendpoints.indexOf(endpoint) != -1 ) { preventExecuteAjaxModal( thisObject ); return false; } } var replacedom = thisObject.attr("data-replace-dom"); // Place in the DOM where new data will be rendered params['endpoint'] = endpoint; let showWaiter = (thisObject.hasAttr('data-show-waiter') && thisObject.attr('data-show-waiter') == 'true') ? true : false; let supressMessage = (thisObject.hasAttr('data-supress-message') && thisObject.attr('data-supress-message') == 'true') ? true : false; let callbackFn = (thisObject.hasAttr('data-callbackfn') && thisObject.attr('data-callbackfn') != '') ? thisObject.attr('data-callbackfn') : null; let adminEndpoint = endpoint.indexOf('admin'); let libraryEndpoint = endpoint.indexOf('library'); if (adminEndpoint != -1 || libraryEndpoint != -1) { showWaiter = true; } if( thisObject.attr("data-params") ) { let buttonparams = JSON.parse( thisObject.attr("data-params") ); if( buttonparams.length > 0 ) { params['params'] = {}; for(let n = 0; n < buttonparams.length; n++) { let thisparamname = buttonparams[n]['name']; let thisparamvalue = ''; if( buttonparams[n].hasOwnProperty('value') ) { // element has set value thisparamvalue = buttonparams[n]['value']; } else if( buttonparams[n].hasOwnProperty('html_of') ) { // Obtain value from tinyMCE editor, identified by the "html_of" identifier thisparamvalue = tinymce.get(buttonparams[n]['html_of']).getContent(); } else if( buttonparams[n].hasOwnProperty('value_of') ) { let identifier = buttonparams[n]['value_of']; let thisInput = $('#' + identifier); if (thisInput.length > 0) { // Obtain value from DOM object, identified by the "value_of" identifier thisparamvalue = thisInput.val(); } else if ($('*[name="' + identifier + '"]').length > 0 && $('*[name="' + identifier + '"]').is('input[type="radio"]')) { // get the selected radio button thisparamvalue = getSelectedRadioVal($('*[name="' + identifier + '"]')); } } else if( buttonparams[n].hasOwnProperty('value_get') ) { if( buttonparams[n]['value_get'] == 'imei' ) thisparamvalue = $("#uuid").val(); else if( buttonparams[n]['value_get'] == 'local_date' ) thisparamvalue = getTodayDateForServer(); } else if ( buttonparams[n].hasOwnProperty('value_of_attribute')) { // get value of custom attribute in specified DOM object thisparamvalue = $('#'+buttonparams[n]['value_of_attribute']).attr('custom_attribute_value'); } else if (buttonparams[n].hasOwnProperty('is_checked')) { // get state of given checkbox let cb = $("#" + buttonparams[n]['is_checked']); thisparamvalue = cb.prop('checked'); } params['params'][thisparamname] = thisparamvalue; } } } // Escape stuff so it passes OK over http var postparams = encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify(params) ); setTimeout(function() { // empty the ajax-message box $.ajax({ url:AJAXURI + endpoint, method:"POST", dataType:'JSON', data:{ 'data':postparams }, headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': Math.random().toString(20).substr(2, 20) }, beforeSend: function(xhr) { if (showWaiter) { showWaitSpinner(); } else { if ('button') ||'.dropdown-item')) { thisObject.append(''); } } }, success:function(json, status, xhr) { $('#button-waiter').remove(); hideWaitSpinner(); // Results of ajax post come here // json - my json string of data // replacedom - location in the DOM where the new data will be rendered if (typeof callCallbackFunction == 'function') { callCallbackFunction(json, replacedom); } else { parseJSONresponse(json, replacedom, supressMessage); } }, error:function(xhr, status, error) { // Do error stuff here $('#button-waiter').remove(); hideWaitSpinner(); jsonResponseMessage({ status: 0, message: "Something went wrong, please try again." }); console.log('AJAX request failed: '+error); } }); },50); } function showWaitSpinner() { $("#pleasewait").html('
').height($(window).height()).css({ "left": "0", "top": "0", "z-index": MAX_Z_INDEX }).show(); } function hideWaitSpinner() { $("#pleasewait").empty().hide(); } // // function preventExecuteAjaxModal( object ) { var confirmmodal = ''; var confirmmodalid = 'confirm-modal-'+generateUUID(); confirmmodal += ''; $("body").append( confirmmodal ); $("#"+confirmmodalid).modal().on('', function () {$("#"+confirmmodalid).remove();}); $("#confirm-continue-endpoint").unbind().bind("click",function() { preventajaxcallendpoints = []; preventajaxcallmessage = null; executeAjaxCall( object ); }); } function buildNavMenuTabs( jMenu ) { var html = ''; html += ''; // tabbed content html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; for(let n in jMenu) { var item = jMenu[n]; if( item.length === 1 && item[0]['type'] === 'section') { let replaceDom = item[0]['label'].replace(/\s|\+|\/|'/g, "_").toLowerCase(); var thisParams = ( item[0].hasOwnProperty('params') ) ? 'data-params="'+JSON.stringify(item[0]['params']).replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/"/g,""")+'" ' : ''; let bgClass = item[0].hasOwnProperty('background') ? 'data-background-class="' + item[0]['background'] + '"' : ''; if( undefined !== item[0]['default'] && item[0]['default'] == true ) // load this section on DOM READ { html += '
'; } else html += '
'; } else if (item.length > 1 ) { for(let i in item) { if(i > 0 && item[i]['type'] === 'section' || i > 0 && item[i]['type'] === 'tab') { let replaceDom = item[i]['label'].replace(/\s|\//g, "_").toLowerCase(); let bgClass = item[0].hasOwnProperty('background') ? 'data-background-class="' + item[0]['background'] + '"' : ''; var thisParams = ( item[i].hasOwnProperty('params') ) ? 'data-params="'+JSON.stringify(item[i]['params']).replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/"/g,""")+'" ' : ''; if( undefined !== item[i]['default'] && item[i]['default'] == true ) // load this section on DOM READ { html += '
'; } else html += '
'; } } } } html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; return html; } function renderAnnouncement(announcement) { const p_announcement_dismissed = getCookie('p_announcement_dismissed'); const u_announcement_dismissed = getCookie('u_announcement_dismissed'); if ((accountType === 'P' && (p_announcement_dismissed === "" || parseInt(p_announcement_dismissed) !== parseInt(announcement['record_id']))) || (accountType === 'U' && (u_announcement_dismissed === "" || parseInt(u_announcement_dismissed) !== parseInt(announcement['record_id'])))) { let html = ''; html += '
' + announcement['announcement_text']+ '
'; $('#announcement-container').empty().html(html); const announcementHeight = $('#announcement-container').height(); const mainNavBar = $('#main-navbar-nav'); const mainBody = $('#main'); const navBarHeight = mainNavBar.outerHeight(); const newBodyTopMargin = navBarHeight + announcementHeight + 10; mainNavBar.css('margin-top', announcementHeight); mainBody.css('margin-top', newBodyTopMargin); $('#close-announcement').on('click', function() { $('#announcement-container').remove(); mainNavBar.css('margin-top', 0); mainBody.css('margin-top', navBarHeight + 10); // set cookies to expire in one year if (accountType === 'P') { document.cookie = "p_announcement_dismissed=" + announcement['record_id'] + ";max-age=31536000"; } else if (accountType === 'U') { document.cookie = "u_announcement_dismissed=" + announcement['record_id'] + ";max-age=31536000"; } }); } } function generateLoginForm() { let html = ''; let e = getCookie('e'); html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; // SUBDOMAIN LOGO html += '
'; if( subdomainLogoFile === '') { html += '

' + subdomainCompanyName + '

'; } else { html += ''; } html += '
'; // .login-form-logo-div // SUBDOMAIN TAGLINE if (subdomainCompanyTagLine !== '') { html += '
'; html += subdomainCompanyTagLine; html += '
'; // .login-form-tagline } // LOGIN FORM html += '
'; // EMAIL html += '
' if( e.length > 0 ) { html += ''; } else { html += ''; } html += ''; html += '
Please enter your email address
'; html += '
'; // form-floating // PASSWORD html += '
'; html += ' 0 ? 'autofocus' : '') + '>'; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
Please enter your password
'; html += '
'; // mt-3 // REMEMBER ME html += '
'; html += ' 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + '>'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += 'I forgot my password'; html += '


'; html += ''; html += '

We\'ll email you a secure link for a one-time, password-free log in.

'; html += '
'; // #login-form-inputs // FOOTER html += ''; // #login-page-footer-info html += '
'; // col-4 html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; // col-8 html += '
'; // row html += '
'; // container // return html; } function generateForgotPasswordForm() { let html = ''; return html; } function generateMagicLinkForm() { let html = ''; html += ''; // #login-magic-link-modal return html; } function loginForm() { var html = generateLoginForm(); html += generateForgotPasswordForm(); html += generateMagicLinkForm(); // $("#main").html(html); $('#main-page-bottom').hide(); initOutput(); $("#reset-password-link").on("click",function() { $("#btn-reset-password-submit").prop('disabled', false); $('#user_email_reset' ).val( $( '#user_email' ).val( ) ); }); $('#magic-link-btn').on('click', function() { $('#login-magic-link-email-input').val($('#user_email').val()); }); $("#btn-reset-password-submit").on("click",function() { passwordResetRequest(); }); $('#user_email_reset').on('keyup', function() { if ($(this).hasClass('is-invalid')) { $(this).removeClass('is-invalid'); } }); if( $("#btn-login-submit").length > 0 && $("#user_email").length > 0 && $("#user_password").length > 0 ) { $("#user_email, #user_password").on("keyup",function(e) { if ($(this).hasClass('is-invalid')) { $(this).removeClass('is-invalid'); } if( e.which === 13 ) /* 13 == enter key */ { loginAttempt(); } }); $("#btn-login-submit").on("click",function() { loginAttempt(); }); } $('#send-magic-link-btn').on('click', function() { let email = $("#login-magic-link-email-input").val(); if (email.length > 6) { let endpoint = '/generate_magic_link/'; let params = {}; params.user_email = email; let data = {}; data.params = params; postparams = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data)); ajaxCall(endpoint, params, function(json) { if (json.ErrorCode == 0) { $('#send-magic-link-msg').html('
Magic Link sent to ' + json.To + '!
'); } else { $('#send-magic-link-msg').html('
Oops! We couldn\'t send the Magic Link to this address.
'); } }); } else { $('#send-magic-link-msg').html('
Please enter a valid email address to send the Magic Link to.
'); } }); if (SERVER_NAME === '') { $('#watermark').html('QA'); } } function passwordResetRequest() { const emailInput = $("#user_email_reset"); const emailVal = emailInput.val(); if( emailVal.length > 0 ) { const submitBtn = $("#btn-reset-password-submit"); const endpoint = '/reset_password_request/' let reset_params = {} if( emailVal.length >= 6 ) { reset_params['params'] = {}; reset_params['params']['email'] = emailVal; const postparams = encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( reset_params ) ); $.ajax({ url:AJAXURI + endpoint, method:"POST", dataType:'JSON', data:{'data': postparams}, success:function(json) { if( json['status'] === 1 ) { $("#pw-message-reset").html('
' + nl2br( json['message'] ) + '
'); submitBtn.prop('disabled', true); } else if( json['status'] === 0) { $('#pw-message-reset').html('
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' + nl2br( errorMsg ) + '
'); $("#user_email,#user_password").focus(function(){$("#login-message").html(' ');}); } } } }); } else { if( email.length < 6 ) { emailInput.addClass('is-invalid'); } if( pw.length < 1 ) { passwordInput.addClass('is-invalid'); } } } function resizeStuff() { if( $(window).width() < 992 ) { if( subdomainLogoFile !== '' && subdomainLogoFile != null) { $("#toggle_width").parent().hide(); if( $(window).width() < 768 ) $("#site_logo").attr("src",subdomainLogoFile); else $("#site_logo").attr("src",subdomainSplashFile); } else { $("#site_logo").parent().html(subdomainCompanyName); } } else { $("#toggle_width").parent().show(); if( subdomainLogoFile !== '' && subdomainLogoFile != null) { $("#site_logo").attr("src",subdomainLogoFile); } else { $("#site_logo").parent().html(subdomainCompanyName); } } if ($('nav#main-navbar-nav').length > 0) { const navBarHeight = $('nav#main-navbar-nav').outerHeight(); let mainBodyTopMargin = navBarHeight + 10; if ($('#announcement-container').length > 0) { const announcementHeight = $('#announcement-container').outerHeight(); mainBodyTopMargin = announcementHeight + navBarHeight + 10; } $('#main').css('margin-top', mainBodyTopMargin); } } function prepareJSONparams( object ) { return JSON.stringify(object).replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/"/g,"""); } function generateUUID() { var d = new Date().getTime(); var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0; d = Math.floor(d/16); return (c=='x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8)).toString(16); }); return uuid; } function nl2br( str ) { return (str != null) ? str.toString().replace(/\r\n/ig,"
") : ''; } /* getTodayDateForDatePicker() usage: var sToday = getTodayDateForDatePicker(); returns "03/18/2016" */ function getTodayDateForDatePicker(options) { if (undefined !== options && options !== null) { return new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-US', options).replace(/\u200e/g, ''); } else { return new Date().toLocaleDateString().replace(/\u200e/g, ''); } } function getTodayDateForServer() { // the server expects the date in the US format, regardless of the user's actual locale let dateobj = new Date(); let month = (dateobj.getMonth() + 1); let date = dateobj.getDate(); let year = dateobj.getFullYear(); return month.toString() + '/' + date.toString() + '/' + year.toString(); } function formatLocalDate(datestr) { var d = datestr.replace(/\-/g,"/"); var date = new Date( d + " UTC" ); return date.toLocaleString(); } function formatLocalDateFromTimestamp(timestamp) { timestamp = parseInt(timestamp); const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); return date.toLocaleString('en-US', {month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric'}); } function formatLocalDateTime(timestamp) { let date = new Date(); if (undefined != timestamp && timestamp != null && timestamp > 0) { date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); } return date.toLocaleString('en-US', {month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric'}); } function addModal( sModalID, sModalTitle, hModalBody, hModalFooter ) { var sNewModalBodyID = 'modal-body_'+sModalID; var modalhtml = ''; modalhtml += ''; // $("body").append( modalhtml ); const modal = new bootstrap.Modal('#' + sModalID);; } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i .close').on('click', function() { let bannerID = $(this).attr('data-banner-id'); $('#' + bannerID).remove(); }); } } }); function renderBanner(packageID, companyName) { let html = ''; let bannerID = generateUUID() + '-app-banner'; html += '
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'; if( oRecipeObject.hasOwnProperty('meal_photo') && oRecipeObject['meal_photo'] != null ) { html += '
'; html += 'Recipe photo for ' + oRecipeObject.meal_display_name + ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; } else { html += '
'; } html += '

' + oRecipeObject['meal_display_name']; if (oRecipeObject.hasOwnProperty('replacement_meal') && oRecipeObject.replacement_meal === true) { html += ''; } html += '

'; html += renderRecipeFoodNutrition(iRecipeID, oRecipeObject); html += '
' + oRecipeObject['meal_description'] + '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; if (oRecipeObject.hasOwnProperty('original_plan_day_meal') && oRecipeObject.original_plan_day_meal === true) { html += '
This is the recipe originally on your plan day.
'; } return html; } function renderRecipeFoodNutrition(iRecipeID, recipe) { var mealFoods = ''; let btnDisabled = (accountType !== 'U'? 'disabled' : ''); let hasAlternateMeals = ((recipe.hasOwnProperty('alternate_meals') && recipe.alternate_meals.length > 0) || (recipe.hasOwnProperty('has_alternate_recipes') && recipe.has_alternate_recipes === true)); if( recipe.meal_foods != null && recipe.meal_foods.length > 0) { var sFoods = ''; recipe.meal_foods.forEach((food) => { let servingLabel = makeFoodServingLabel(food['food_serving_name'], food['food_serving_count']); sFoods += '

' + food['food_name'] + '
' + servingLabel + '

' }); var mealfoodsmodal = 'meal_foods_modal_' + generateUUID(); var mealnutritionmodal = 'meal_nutrition_modal_' + generateUUID(); mealFoods += '
'; mealFoods += ''; mealFoods += ''; if (hasAlternateMeals) { mealFoods += ''; } if (recipe.hasOwnProperty('is_alternate_meal') && recipe.is_alternate_meal === true) { let jReplaceParams = [ { name: 'plan_day_object_id', value: recipe.plan_day_object_id }, { name: 'meal_id', value: recipe.meal_id } ]; mealFoods += ''; } else { mealFoods += ''; mealFoods += ''; } mealFoods += '
'; mealFoods += '';//.modal mealFoods += '';//.modal } else { if (recipe.hasOwnProperty('is_alternate_meal') && recipe.is_alternate_meal === true) { let jReplaceParams = [ { name: 'plan_day_object_id', value: recipe.plan_day_object_id }, { name: 'meal_id', value: recipe.meal_id } ]; mealFoods += ''; } else if (hasAlternateMeals) { mealFoods += ''; } } return mealFoods; } function renderPreviewRecipeNutrition(oRecipeFoods, numberOfServings) { var html = ''; var calories = 0; var fat = 0; var satfat = 0; var cholesterol = 0; var sodium = 0; var carb = 0; var fiber = 0; var sugar = 0; var protein = 0; var calcium = 0; for (let i in oRecipeFoods) { var food = oRecipeFoods[i]; calories += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['calories']) / numberOfServings; fat += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['fat']) / numberOfServings; satfat += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['satfat']) / numberOfServings; cholesterol += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['cholesterol']) / numberOfServings; sodium += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['sodium']) / numberOfServings; carb += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['carb']) / numberOfServings; fiber += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['fiber']) / numberOfServings; sugar += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['sugar']) / numberOfServings; protein += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['protein']) / numberOfServings; calcium += (food['food_serving_count'] * food['nutrition']['calcium']) / numberOfServings; } html += ''; return html; } function renderNutrionInfoTable(calories, fat, satfat, cholesterol, sodium, carb, fiber, sugar, protein, calcium) { var html = ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; // cholesterol is always mg html += ''; // sodium is always mg html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; // calcium is always mg html += '
' + Math.round(calories) + '
Fat:' + getNutrientDisplay(fat) + '
Sat fat:' + getNutrientDisplay(satfat) + '
Cholesterol:' + Math.round(cholesterol) + 'mg
Sodium:' + Math.round(sodium) + 'mg
Carbs:' + getNutrientDisplay(carb) + '
Fiber:' + getNutrientDisplay(fiber) + '
Sugar:' + getNutrientDisplay(sugar) + '
Protein:' + getNutrientDisplay(protein) + '
Calcium:' + Math.round(calcium) + 'mg
'; return html; } function getNutrientDisplay(grams) { var ret = ''; if (grams < 1 && grams != 0) { ret = Math.round(grams * 1000)+'mg'; } else { ret = Math.round(grams)+'g'; } return ret; } function renderExerciseObject( oExerciseData, replacedom, bEditing ) { bEditing = (undefined == bEditing) ? false : bEditing; var html = ''; var boxid = 'exercise-box-'+generateUUID(); if( oExerciseData.hasOwnProperty('exercise_title') && oExerciseData['exercise_title'] != null ) { if( replacedom !== 'previewmain' ) { html += '

' + oExerciseData['exercise_title'] + '

'; } else if( replacedom === 'plan-edit-day') { html += renderExerciseDescription( oExerciseData, replacedom ); } else { html += '

' + oExerciseData['exercise_title'] + '

'; } } if( replacedom !== 'previewmain' ) { html += renderExerciseDescription( oExerciseData, replacedom ); } if(bEditing == true) // exercise in plan day editor { html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; var aMetrics = oExerciseData['exercise_metrics']; var sMetric0 = ''; var sMetric1 = ''; var sMetric2 = ''; var sMetric3 = ''; if (undefined != aMetrics && aMetrics.length > 0) { if (hasNum(aMetrics[0])) { sMetric0 = aMetrics[0]; } if (undefined != aMetrics[1] && !hasNum(aMetrics[1]) && exerciseMetric0Descriptors.indexOf(aMetrics[1]) >= 0) { sMetric1 = aMetrics[1]; } if (sMetric0 != '' && sMetric1 != '') { if (hasNum(aMetrics[2])) { sMetric2 = aMetrics[2]; } if (undefined != aMetrics[3] && !hasNum(aMetrics[3]) && exerciseMetric2Descriptors.indexOf(aMetrics[3]) >= 0) { sMetric3 = aMetrics[3]; } } } // amount of exercise html += ''; // amount type selector (reps, distance, time, etc) html += ''; // exercise load html += ''; // load type selector html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; // .row } else { if( oExerciseData.hasOwnProperty('exercise_metrics') && oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'] != null ) { html += '
'; html += ( undefined !== oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][0] ) ? oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][0] + ' ' : ''; html += ( undefined !== oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][1] ) ? oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][1] + ' ' : ''; html += ( undefined !== oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][2] ) ? oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][2] + ' ' : ''; html += ( undefined !== oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][3] ) ? oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][3] : ''; html += '
'; } } return html; } function renderExerciseDescription( oExerciseData, replacedom ) { var html = ''; if( undefined !== replacedom && oExerciseData.hasOwnProperty('exercise_description') && oExerciseData['exercise_description'] != null && replacedom !== 'program' && replacedom.indexOf("preview") == -1 ) { html += oExerciseData['exercise_description']; html += '
'; } // // check if this exercise is NOT being rendered on a Plan Preview if (undefined !== replacedom && replacedom !== 'program' && replacedom.indexOf("preview") == -1 ) { html += renderExerciseImagesVideo( oExerciseData ); } // return html; } function renderExerciseImagesVideo(oExerciseData) { var html = ''; // exercise images and video html += '
'; if (oExerciseData.hasOwnProperty('exercise_image_1') && oExerciseData.exercise_image_1 != MISSING_PHOTO) { html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; } if (oExerciseData.hasOwnProperty('exercise_video')) { html += '
'; // if flv/mp4 video if (oExerciseData['exercise_video']['type'] === 'mp4') { html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; // embed-responsive } else if (oExerciseData['exercise_video']['type'] === 'youtube' && oExerciseData.exercise_video.video_id != '') { var player_id = 'exercise_video' + generateUUID(); var youtubeid = oExerciseData['exercise_video']['video_id']; html += embedYouTube(player_id, youtubeid); } html += '
'; } if (oExerciseData.hasOwnProperty('exercise_image_2') && oExerciseData.exercise_image_2 != MISSING_PHOTO) { html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; } html += '
'; // return html; } function renderExercisePlanObject(oExerciseData, bEditMetrics) { let metrics = ''; let exerciseDescUUID = generateUUID(); let html = ''; bEditMetrics = (undefined !== bEditMetrics) ? bEditMetrics : false; if (!bEditMetrics && oExerciseData.hasOwnProperty('exercise_metrics') && oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'] != null && oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'].length > 0 && oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][0] != '') { // if we have metrics AND they're not all blank for (k in oExerciseData['exercise_metrics']) { let thisMetric = oExerciseData['exercise_metrics'][k]; metrics += thisMetric+' '; } } //html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; if (metrics != '') { html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''+metrics+''; html += '
'; // col-md-12 html += '
'; // row } html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '

' + oExerciseData['exercise_title'] + '

'; html += '
'; // col-md-12 html += '
'; // row html += '
'; // card-header html += '
'; html += renderExerciseDescription(oExerciseData, 'exercise_details'); if (bEditMetrics) { html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; var aMetrics = oExerciseData['exercise_metrics']; var sMetric0 = ''; var sMetric1 = ''; var sMetric2 = ''; var sMetric3 = ''; if (undefined != aMetrics && aMetrics.length > 0) { if (hasNum(aMetrics[0])) { sMetric0 = aMetrics[0]; } if (undefined != aMetrics[1] && !hasNum(aMetrics[1]) && exerciseMetric0Descriptors.indexOf(aMetrics[1]) >= 0) { sMetric1 = aMetrics[1]; } if (sMetric0 != '' && sMetric1 != '') { if (hasNum(aMetrics[2])) { sMetric2 = aMetrics[2]; } if (undefined != aMetrics[3] && !hasNum(aMetrics[3]) && exerciseMetric2Descriptors.indexOf(aMetrics[3]) >= 0) { sMetric3 = aMetrics[3]; } } } // amount of exercise html += ''; // amount type selector (reps, distance, time, etc) html += ''; // exercise load html += ''; // load type selector html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; // .row } html += '
'; // collapse html += '
'; // card //html += '
'; // col-md-12 return html; } function renderProtocolObject(obj, clinicDiscount) { let html = ''; let uuid = generateUUID(); clinicDiscount = (undefined !== clinicDiscount) ? clinicDiscount : 0; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '

' + + '

'; html += '
'; // card-header html += '
'; if (obj.personal_message !== null && obj.personal_message !== '') { html += '
' + obj.personal_message + '
'; } if (obj.hasOwnProperty('recommendations') && obj.recommendations != null && obj.recommendations.length > 0) { obj.recommendations.forEach((recommended_product) => { html += renderRecommendationProduct(recommended_product, clinicDiscount); }); } html += '
'; // card-body html += '
'; // card return html; } function renderRecommendationProduct(recommended_product, discount) { let html = ''; html += '
  • '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += `${}`; html += '
    '; // col-3 html += '
    '; html += '

    ' + + '

    '; html += '
    ' + + '
    '; if (discount !== null && discount > 0) { let patientPrice = (recommended_product.msrp * ((100 - discount) / 100)); html += '
    MSRP: $' + formatDecimal(recommended_product.msrp, 2) + ''; html += 'Patient Price: $' + formatDecimal(patientPrice, 2) + '
    '; } else { html += '
    MSRP: $' + formatDecimal(recommended_product.msrp, 2) + ''; } html += '
    '; // col-6 html += '
    '; if (recommended_product.hasOwnProperty('dosage') && recommended_product.dosage.amount != null && recommended_product.dosage.format != null && recommended_product.dosage.frequency != null) { html += '
    '; html += '

    Dosage Instructions:

    '; html += '
    ' + recommended_product.dosage.amount + ' ' + recommended_product.dosage.format + ' ' + recommended_product.dosage.frequency; if (recommended_product.dosage.additional_info !== '' && recommended_product.dosage.additional_info != null) { html += ' ' + recommended_product.dosage.additional_info; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } if (recommended_product.hasOwnProperty('units_to_purchase')) { html += '
    Quantity: ' + recommended_product.units_to_purchase + ' units
    '; } html += '
    '; // col-3 html += '
    '; // row html += '
  • '; // list-group-item return html; } function print_r(o) { return JSON.stringify(o,null,'\t').replace(/\n/g,'
    ').replace(/\t/g,'   '); } function iVeryTop(elems) { var maxIndex = 0; elems = (typeof(elems) !== 'undefined') ? elems : $("*"); $(elems).each(function() { maxIndex = (parseInt(maxIndex) < parseInt($(this).css('z-index'))) ? parseInt($(this).css('z-index')) : maxIndex; iTopZIndex = maxIndex + 1; }); return iTopZIndex; } = function () { this.css("position","absolute"); this.css("top", "5px"); this.css("z-index", 5000); this.css("left", Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - $(this).outerWidth()) / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft()) + "px"); return this; } function getUnits(system, metric) { var units = ''; switch (metric.toUpperCase()) { case 'WEIGHT': case 'FAT MASS': case 'MUSCLE MASS': units = (system == 'imperial') ? 'lbs' : 'kgs'; break; case 'HIPS': case 'WAIST': case 'CHEST': case 'ARMS': case 'THIGHS': case 'CALVES': units = (system == 'imperial') ? 'ins' : 'cm'; break; case 'BODY FAT %': units = '%'; break; case 'RESTING HEART RATE': units = 'BPM'; break; case 'BLOOD PRESSURE': units = 'S/D'; break; case 'BLOOD SUGAR (MG/DL)': units = 'mg/dL'; break; default: units = ''; } return units; } function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this; args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; function renderNotificationTable(aNotificationSettings, iUserID) { var html = ''; var email = {name: 'method', value: 'email'}; var sms = {name: 'method', value: 'sms'}; var userID = {name: 'user_id', value: iUserID}; html += ''; // table headers html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; // table body html += ''; for (let i in aNotificationSettings) { let type = i; let settings = aNotificationSettings[type]; let emailCheckboxID = type+'-email-cb'; let emailChecked = (settings['email_status'] !== 'W') ? 'checked' : ''; let smsCheckboxID = type+'-sms-cb'; let smsChecked = (settings['sms_status']) ? 'checked' : ''; let pushCheckboxID = type+'-push-cb'; let pushChecked = (settings['push_status']) ? 'checked' : ''; html += ''; // LABEL html += ''; // EMAIL SETTINGS html += ''; // SMS SETTINGS html += ''; // PUSH NOTIFICATION SETTINGS html += ''; // text-center html += ''; } html += ''; html += '
    Notification TypeEmailSMSPush Notifications
    '+settings['label']+''; if (settings.allow_email) { const jEmailSettingParams = [ { name: 'notification_type', value: type }, { name: 'user_id', value: userID }, { name: 'checked', is_checked: emailCheckboxID }, { name: 'method', value: 'email' } ]; html += ''; } html += ''; if (settings.allow_sms) { const jSMSSettingParams = [ { name: 'notification_type', value: type }, { name: 'user_id', value: userID }, { name: 'checked', is_checked: smsCheckboxID }, { name: 'method', value: 'sms' } ]; html += ''; } html += ''; if (settings.allow_push) { const jPushSettingParams = [ { name: 'notification_type', value: type }, { name: 'user_id', value: userID }, { name: 'checked', is_checked: pushCheckboxID }, { name: 'method', value: 'push' } ]; html += ''; } html += '
    '; return html; } function drawBodyCompChart(aUserLogs, sUserDisplayUnits, sFromDate, sToDate, sChartContainerID) { // get logs var aWeightLogs = (aUserLogs.hasOwnProperty('weight') && aUserLogs['weight'].hasOwnProperty('logs')) ? aUserLogs['weight']['logs'] : null; var aMuscleMassLogs = (aUserLogs.hasOwnProperty('muscle mass') && aUserLogs['muscle mass'].hasOwnProperty('logs')) ? aUserLogs['muscle mass']['logs'] : null; var aFatMassLogs = (aUserLogs.hasOwnProperty('fat mass') && aUserLogs['fat mass'].hasOwnProperty('logs')) ? aUserLogs['fat mass']['logs'] : null; var aBodyFatPercLogs = (aUserLogs.hasOwnProperty('body fat %') && aUserLogs['body fat %'].hasOwnProperty('logs')) ? aUserLogs['body fat %']['logs'] : null; // are we calculating lean mass? var bCalculateLeanMass = (aWeightLogs && (aFatMassLogs || aBodyFatPercLogs)) ? true : false; var aChartDataArray = []; // data array for google chart var aHeader = []; // first item in data array, specifies what columns will be in the array // indexes of items in each row of the charts data array const iDateIndex = 0; var iWeightIndex = 0; var iMuscleMassIndex = 0; var iFatMassIndex = 0; var iLeanMassIndex = 0; var index = 0; // incremented, used to set other indexes // make the first (header) row of the data array aHeader[iDateIndex] = 'Date'; if (aWeightLogs) { index++; aHeader[index] = 'Weight'; iWeightIndex = index; } if (aMuscleMassLogs) { index++; aHeader[index] = 'Muscle Mass'; iMuscleMassIndex = index; } if (aFatMassLogs) { index++; aHeader[index] = 'Fat Mass'; iFatMassIndex = index; } if (bCalculateLeanMass) { if (aFatMassLogs == null) { index++; aHeader[index] = 'Fat Mass'; iFatMassIndex = index; } index++; aHeader[index] = 'Lean Mass'; iLeanMassIndex = index; } aChartDataArray.push(aHeader); var sThisDate = sFromDate; // sets the first date to start with // store the previous log values, to be used if there is no log for that metric for that date var fLastWeightVal = 0.00; var fLastMuscleMassVal = 0.00; var fLastFatMassVal = 0.00; var fLastBodyFatPercVal = 0.00; // incrementers for looping through the different sets of logs, we only advance through the logs if we have added a new value var w = 0; var x = 0; var y = 0; var z = 0; var nextWeightLogDate = (aWeightLogs != null) ? aWeightLogs[0]['date'] : null; var nextMuscleMassLogDate = (aMuscleMassLogs != null) ? aMuscleMassLogs[0]['date'] : null; var nextFatMassLogDate = (aFatMassLogs != null) ? aFatMassLogs[0]['date'] : null; var nextBodyFatPercLogDate = (aBodyFatPercLogs != null && aFatMassLogs == null) ? aBodyFatPercLogs[0]['date'] : null; // loop through each day starting with the earliest date we have logs for, ending with the last date we could possibly have logs for while (sThisDate != null) { var chartData = []; var bAdd = false; chartData[iDateIndex] = sThisDate; if (aWeightLogs && aWeightLogs[x] != undefined) { var fWeightVal = 0.00; if (Date.parse(aWeightLogs[x]['date']) == Date.parse(sThisDate)) { // add this value fWeightVal = formatDecimal(aWeightLogs[x]['value']); fLastWeightVal = fWeightVal; nextWeightLogDate = (aWeightLogs[x + 1] !== undefined) ? aWeightLogs[x + 1]['date'] : null; x++; bAdd = true; } else { fWeightVal = fLastWeightVal; } chartData[iWeightIndex] = parseFloat(fWeightVal); } else if (fLastWeightVal > 0) { chartData[iWeightIndex] = parseFloat(fLastWeightVal); } if (aMuscleMassLogs && aMuscleMassLogs[y] != undefined) { var fMuscleMassVal = 0.00; if (Date.parse(aMuscleMassLogs[y]['date']) == Date.parse(sThisDate)) { // add this value fMuscleMassVal = formatDecimal(aMuscleMassLogs[y]['value'], 2); fLastMuscleMassVal = fMuscleMassVal; nextMuscleMassLogDate = (aMuscleMassLogs[y + 1] !== undefined) ? aMuscleMassLogs[y + 1]['date'] : null; y++; bAdd = true; } else { fMuscleMassVal = fLastMuscleMassVal; } chartData[iMuscleMassIndex] = parseFloat(fMuscleMassVal); } else if (fLastMuscleMassVal > 0) { chartData[iMuscleMassIndex] = parseFloat(fLastMuscleMassVal); } if (aFatMassLogs && aFatMassLogs[z] != undefined) { var fFatMassVal = 0.00; if (Date.parse(aFatMassLogs[z]['date']) == Date.parse(sThisDate)) { // add this value fFatMassVal = formatDecimal(aFatMassLogs[z]['value'], 2); fLastFatMassVal = fFatMassVal; nextFatMassLogDate = (aFatMassLogs[z + 1] !== undefined) ? aFatMassLogs[z + 1]['date'] : null; z++; bAdd = true; } else { fFatMassVal = fLastFatMassVal; } chartData[iFatMassIndex] = parseFloat(fFatMassVal); chartData[iLeanMassIndex] = chartData[iWeightIndex] - fFatMassVal; } else if (fLastFatMassVal > 0) { chartData[iFatMassIndex] = parseFloat(fLastFatMassVal); chartData[iLeanMassIndex] = chartData[iWeightIndex] - fLastFatMassVal; } if (bCalculateLeanMass && aFatMassLogs == null) { if (aBodyFatPercLogs[w] != undefined) { // if we don't have fat mass logs to use, calculate the lean mass from the body fat % var fLeanMassVal = 0.00; var fFatMassVal = 0.00; if (Date.parse(aBodyFatPercLogs[w]['date']) == Date.parse(sThisDate)) { // add this value fFatMassVal = (aBodyFatPercLogs[w]['value'] * 0.01) * chartData[iWeightIndex]; fFatMassVal = formatDecimal(fFatMassVal, 2); fLeanMassVal = chartData[iWeightIndex] - fFatMassVal; fLeanMassVal = formatDecimal(fLeanMassVal, 2); fLastBodyFatPercVal = aBodyFatPercLogs[w]['value']; nextBodyFatPercLogDate = (aBodyFatPercLogs[w + 1] !== undefined) ? aBodyFatPercLogs[w + 1]['date'] : null; w++; bAdd = true; } else { if (fLastBodyFatPercVal > 0) { fFatMassVal = (fLastBodyFatPercVal * 0.01) * chartData[iWeightIndex]; fFatMassVal = formatDecimal(fFatMassVal, 2); fLeanMassVal = chartData[iWeightIndex] - fFatMassVal; fLeanMassVal = formatDecimal(fLeanMassVal, 2); } else { fFatMassVal = 0; fLeanMassVal = 0; } } chartData[iFatMassIndex] = parseFloat(fFatMassVal); chartData[iLeanMassIndex] = parseFloat(fLeanMassVal); } else if (fLastBodyFatPercVal > 0) { fFatMassVal = (fLastBodyFatPercVal * 0.01) * chartData[iWeightIndex]; fLeanMassVal = chartData[iWeightIndex] - fFatMassVal; fLeanMassVal = formatDecimal(fLeanMassVal, 2); fFatMassVal = formatDecimal(fFatMassVal, 2); chartData[iFatMassIndex] = parseFloat(fFatMassVal); chartData[iLeanMassIndex] = parseFloat(fLeanMassVal); } } var orderedNextDates = []; if (nextWeightLogDate) { orderedNextDates.push(nextWeightLogDate); } if (nextMuscleMassLogDate) { orderedNextDates.push(nextMuscleMassLogDate); } if (nextFatMassLogDate) { orderedNextDates.push(nextFatMassLogDate); } if (nextBodyFatPercLogDate) { orderedNextDates.push(nextBodyFatPercLogDate); } if (orderedNextDates.length > 0) { orderedNextDates.sort((a, b) => { let parsedA = Date.parse(a); let parsedB = Date.parse(b); if (parsedA > parsedB) { return 1; } else if (parsedA === parsedB) { return 0; } else { return -1; } }); sThisDate = orderedNextDates[0]; } else { sThisDate = null; } if (bAdd) { aChartDataArray.push(chartData); } } if (aChartDataArray.length > 1) { var chartData = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(aChartDataArray); var seriesOptions = {}; if (iFatMassIndex > 0) { if (iMuscleMassIndex > 0) { var iMuscleSeries = parseInt(iMuscleMassIndex - 1); seriesOptions[iMuscleSeries] = {color: 'orange'}; } var iFatSeries = parseInt(iFatMassIndex - 1); seriesOptions[iFatSeries] = {color: 'red'}; } var options = { title: 'Body Composition', curveType: 'function', legend: {position: 'bottom'}, height: 500, vAxis: {minValue: 0}, chartArea: {width:'85%'}, series: seriesOptions }; var chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById(sChartContainerID)); chart.draw(chartData, options); } } // checks to see if the given string contains a number // returns true if it does // returns false if not function hasNum(sIn) { if (undefined != sIn) { var type = typeof(sIn); if (type == 'string') { var match = sIn.match(/\d+/g); if (match != null) return true; else return false; } else if (type == 'number') { return true; } } else { return false; } } function userProfilePhotoExists(sPhotoURL) { if (sPhotoURL && sPhotoURL != NO_PHOTO) return true; else return false; } function nullToBlank(sIn) { if (sIn == null) return ''; else return sIn; } function getUserStatusString(iUserStatus) { var statusStr = ''; switch (iUserStatus) { case USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED: statusStr = 'Activated'; break; case USER_STATUS_UNACTIVATED: statusStr = 'Unactivated'; break; case USER_STATUS_DEACTIVATED: case USER_STATUS_PROVIDER_CREATED_DEACTIVATED: statusStr = 'Deactivated'; break; case USER_STATUS_ADMIN_CREATED_UNACTIVATED: statusStr = 'Unactivated (Admin Created)'; break; case USER_STATUS_PROVIDER_CREATED_UNACTIVATED: statusStr = 'Unactivated (Provider Created)'; break; case USER_STATUS_PROVIDER_CREATED_ACTIVATED: statusStr = 'Activated (Provider Created)'; break; case USER_SELF_ENROLLMENT: statusStr = 'Unactivated (Self Enrolled)'; break; case USER_STATUS_DISABLE_ACTIVATION_EMAILS: statusStr = 'Unactivated (Activation Emails Disabled)'; break; case USER_STATUS_NEEDS_EMAIL_VALIDATION: statusStr = 'Unactivated (Needs Email Validation)'; break; default: break; } return statusStr; } function renderClearFilterBtn(sTableID) { $("#"+sTableID+"_filter").find("input:first").wrap('
    '); $("#"+sTableID+"_filter").parent().addClass("col-xs-4"); $("#"+sTableID+"_filter").find("div.input-group:first").append(' '); $('#'+sTableID+'_filter-clear').off().on("click",function() { var oTable = $("#"+sTableID).DataTable();'').columns().search('').draw(); }); } function renderTodayIcon() { let today = new Date(); let html = ''+today.getDate()+''; return html; } function isSmallWindow() { if ($(window).width() < 768) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getAge(dateString) { var today = new Date(); var birthDate = new Date(dateString); var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear(); var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth(); if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) { age--; } return age; } function updateCalorieData(date, eaten, burned, remaining) { $('.total_calories_consumed [data-date="+date+"]').text(Math.round(eaten)); $('.total_calories_burned [data-date="+date+"]').text(Math.round(burned)); $('.total_difference [data-date="+date+"]').text(Math.round(remaining)); } function getLogoPath(thirdPartyName) { let path = ''; switch (thirdPartyName.toLowerCase()) { case 'fitbit': path = fitbitLogo; break; case 'inbody': path = inbodyLogo; break; case 'withings': path = withingsLogo; break; case 'innotech': path = INNOTECH_LOGO; break; case 'apple health': path = APPLE_HEALTH_LOGO; break; case 'oura': path = OURA_LOGO; break; case 'iglucose': path = IGLUCOSE_LOGO; break default: break; } return path; } jQuery.fn.createDatePicker = function() { let options = { allowInput: true, dateFormat: 'm/d/Y' }; if (this.hasAttr('data-format')) { let formatParam = this.attr('data-format'); options.dateFormat = formatParam; } let dateVal = $(this).val(); options.defaultDate = new Date(dateVal); if (this.hasAttr('data-endpoint')) { let input = $(this); options.onChange = function() { executeAjaxCall(input); }; } if ($(this).hasAttr('data-time-picker') && $(this).attr('data-time-picker') === 'true') { $(this).css({ "width": "12em", "text-align": "center", "max-width": "12em" }); options.enableTime = true; options.dateFormat = 'm/d/Y h:i K'; } else { $(this).css({ "width": "10em", "text-align": "center", "max-width": "10em" }); } $(this).flatpickr(options); this.addClass('datepicker-initialized'); return this; }; function makeFoodServingLabel(servingName, numServings) { // look for any number of digits, zero or one decimal, followed by any number of digits // ex. 6 medium or 0.25 cup // in order to get the number of items in the current serving servingName = servingName.toString(); let regExp = /^\d*\.?\d*/; let match = regExp.exec(servingName); if (match != null && match != '') { let servingNameNumServings = match * numServings; servingName = servingName.replace(regExp, servingNameNumServings); } else { servingName = numServings + ' ' + servingName; } return servingName; } function renderFoodPhoto(food) { let html = ''; let hasPhoto = (food.hasOwnProperty('food_photo') && food['food_photo'] != null && food['food_photo'].search('nix-apple-grey.png') == -1); if (hasPhoto) { html += '' + food['food_name'] + ''; } else { html += '
    '; } return html; } function reSortDataTable(sTableID) { // get the current filter var sFilter = $("#" + sTableID + "_filter").find("input:first").val(); // get the table object and it's settings var oTable = $("#" + sTableID).DataTable(); var initSettings = oTable.init(); // destroy the current table oTable.destroy(); // init new table $("#" + sTableID).DataTable(initSettings); renderClearFilterBtn(sTableID); // put the filter back in the search box $("#" + sTableID + "_filter").find("input:first").val(sFilter); // search with the filter var oTable = $("#" + sTableID).DataTable();; // 'hack' for when there's no rows left after the filter is applied if ($("#" + sTableID + " tbody").find("td:first").hasClass("dataTables_empty")) { $("#" + sTableID + " tbody").find("td:first").attr("colspan", 2); } } function makePageHeader(sPageTitle, sEndpoint, sReplaceDOM, aParams, bShowWaiter) { let html = ''; bShowWaiter = (undefined === bShowWaiter) ? false : bShowWaiter; html += '

    '; html += sPageTitle; if (undefined !== sEndpoint) { html += ']*>/gi; let output = input.replace(regex, "\n"); return output; } function activateTab(tab) { const bsTab = new bootstrap.Tab(tab);; } function goToNavItem(endpoint) { const navItem = $("#mainnavul a[data-endpoint='/" + endpoint + "/']"); const bsNavItem = new bootstrap.Tab(navItem);; objectClick(navItem); } function closeModal() { return ''; } function formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumberString) { let cleaned = ('' + phoneNumberString).replace(/\D/g, ''); let match = cleaned.match(/^(1|)?(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/); if (match) { let intlCode = (match[1] ? '+1 ' : ''); return [intlCode, '(', match[2], ') ', match[3], '-', match[4]].join(''); } return ''; } function strCompare(strA, strB) { // do both strings begin with numbers let numPatt = /^\d+/; if (numPatt.test(strA) && numPatt.test(strB)) { // compare the numbers let numA = numPatt.exec(strA); numA = parseInt(numA[0]); let numB = numPatt.exec(strB); numB = parseInt(numB[0]); if (numA < numB) { return -1; } else if (numA > numB) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { // just compare the strings if (strA.toUpperCase() < strB.toUpperCase()) { return -1; } else if (strA.toUpperCase() > strB.toUpperCase()) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } jQuery.fn.initWistiaUploader = function() { let uploader_id = $(this).attr('id'); window._wapiq = window._wapiq || []; _wapiq.push(function (W) { window.wistiaUploader = new W.Uploader({ accessToken: WISTIA_ACCESS_TOKEN, dropIn: uploader_id, beforeUpload: function() { return { then: function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function() { // create a project to upload to $.ajax({ url: AJAXURI + '/get_wistia_project_id/', method: 'POST', dataType: 'JSON', headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': Math.random().toString(20).substr(2, 20) }, success: function(json) { if (json.status == 1) { wistiaUploader.setProjectId(; resolve(); } else { console.log(json.message); reject(); } }, error: function(xhr) { console.log(xhr); reject(); } }) }, 1000); } } } }); wistiaUploader.bind('uploadstart', function(file) { let html = ''; html += '
    Your video is uploading! Don\'t navigate away from this page until it finishes.
    '; $(html).insertAfter('#' + uploader_id); }); wistiaUploader.bind('uploadsuccess', function(file, media) { // add the video to the user's library via ajax let params = {}; params['params'] = {}; params['params']['video_source_ref_id'] =; params['params']['video_thumbnail_href'] = media.thumbnail.url; params['params']['video_description'] =; ajaxCall('/add_uploaded_video_to_library/', params, function(json) { let html = ''; if (json.status == 1) { $('#add-video-modal').find('button.close').addClass('abtn').attr('data-endpoint', '/video_library/').attr('data-replace-dom', 'videos'); let jChangeNameParams = []; jChangeNameParams.push({ name: 'video_name', value_of: 'change-uploaded-video-name' }); jChangeNameParams.push({ name: 'video_ref_id', value: }); html += '
    '; html += 'Your video has been successfully uploaded and added to your library!

    '; html += ''; html += '
    '; html += ``; html += ``; html += '
    '; // input-group html += '
    '; // alert } else { html += '
    '; html += 'Oops! There was a problem adding this video to your library'; html += '
    '; // alert } $('#' + uploader_id + '_message').html(html); }); }); }); }; function parseDate(str) { var mdy = str.split('/'); return new Date(mdy[2], mdy[0]-1, mdy[1]); } function datediff(first, second) { // Take the difference between the dates and divide by milliseconds per day. // Round to nearest whole number to deal with DST. return Math.round((parseDate(second)-parseDate(first))/(1000*60*60*24)); } function getSelectedRadioVal(btnObjects) { let ret = ''; btnObjects.each(function() { let btn = $(this); if (btn.prop('checked') === true) { ret = btn.val(); } }); return ret; } function handleTableSearch(table_id) { let oTable = $("#" + table_id).DataTable(); let timerName = generateUUID() + '_timer'; window[timerName] = null; $('#' + table_id + '_filter input').off().on('keyup', function() { if (window[timerName] != null) { clearTimeout(window[timerName]); } let searchVal = $(this).val(); // we don't want to hit the database with the user's answer every single time they press a key // so wait 1 second and then trigger event that will save the answer window[timerName] = setTimeout(function() {; }, 750); }); } function makeTaskNameStr(task, viewing) { let name = ''; viewing = (undefined !== viewing) ? viewing : false; if (task.action != undefined) { switch (task.action) { case "/save_new_body_log/": if (task.hasOwnProperty('action_params') && task.action_params.hasOwnProperty('metric_name')) { name = 'Track ' + task.action_params.metric_name.toLowerCase(); } else { name = 'Track a body metric'; console.log('Task ' + task.task_id + ' missing metric name'); } break; case "/save_body_goal/": if (task.hasOwnProperty('action_params') && task.action_params.hasOwnProperty('metric_name')) { name = 'Set a ' + task.action_params.metric_name.toLowerCase() + ' goal'; } else { name = 'Set a body metric goal'; console.log('Task ' + task.task_id + ' missing metric name'); } break; case "/save_activity/": case "/track_custom_activity/": if (task.hasOwnProperty('action_params') && task.action_params.hasOwnProperty('activity_title')) { name = 'Track ' + task.action_params.activity_title.toLowerCase(); } else { name = 'Track an activity'; console.log('Task ' + task.task_id + ' missing activity title'); } break; case "custom": if (task.hasOwnProperty('action_params') && task.action_params.hasOwnProperty('prompt')) { name = task.action_params.prompt; if (!viewing) { if (task.action_params.completion === 'checkbox') { name += ''; } else if (task.action_params.completion === 'feedback') { name += ''; } } } else { name = 'Custom Task'; console.log('Task ' + task.task_id + ' missing prompt'); } break; case "/track_sleep/": name = 'Track sleep'; break; case "/track_steps/": name = 'Track steps'; break; case "/track_water/": name = 'Track water intake'; break; default: let selAction = ACTION_CHOICES.filter(function (choice) { return choice.endpoint === task.action; }); if (selAction.length === 1) { name = selAction[0].action; } break; } } else { switch (task.plan_object_type) { case 'NOTE': name = 'Read program content'; break; case 'EXERCISE': name = 'Did an exercise'; break; case 'YOUTUBE': case 'VIMEO': case 'WISTIA': name = 'Watched a video'; break; default: break; } } return name; } function toBool(str) { return str.toLowerCase() === 'true'; } function loadScript(sFileName, fnCallback) { if (undefined === fnCallback) { fnCallback = function() { void(0); }; } if (!window.scripts_loaded.includes(sFileName)) { $.ajax({ url: scriptbase + sFileName, dataType: 'script', success: fnCallback, async: true, complete: function (xhr, status) { window.scripts_loaded.push(sFileName); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); } else {; } initOutput(); } function makePOSTParams(params) { return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(params)); } function formatMacroTotal(val) { return (val < 1 && val > 0) ? '< 1' : Math.round(val); } function renderBAAForSignature(json) { let html = ''; $.getScript(''); html += ''; // modal $('body').append(html); $('#sign-baa-modal').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false, }).modal('show'); let modalBodyElement = document.querySelector('#sign-baa-modal .modal-body'); modalBodyElement.onscroll = function(event) { if ((modalBodyElement.scrollTop) === (modalBodyElement.scrollHeight - modalBodyElement.offsetHeight)) { // we're at the bottom, enable the button $('#done-signing-baa-button').prop('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled'); } }; } function checkContractSignedCallback(json, replacedom) { if (json.status === 1) { $('#' + replacedom).modal('hide').removeModal(true); if ( === 'WITHDRAWN') { let html = ''; html += ''; // modal $('body').append(html); $('#user-withdrawn-opt-out').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }).modal('show'); } } } function renderBBABlockerModalForNonDomainAdmin(json) { let html = ''; let domainAdminUser =; html += ''; // modal $('body').append(html); $('#needs-baa-signed-modal').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false, }).modal('show'); } function optOutOfBAACallback(json) { if (json.status === 1) { $('#sign-baa-modal').modal('hide').removeModal(true); } } function timePassed(timestamp, start) { start = (undefined !== start) ? start : Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000); let difference = start - timestamp; let seconds = difference; let minutes = Math.floor(difference / 60); seconds = (seconds - (minutes * 60)); let hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60); minutes = (minutes - (hours * 60)); if (seconds < 10) { seconds = '0' + seconds; } if (minutes < 10) { minutes = '0' + minutes; } if (hours < 10) { hours = '0' + hours; } return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds; } function renderStaffPermissionsOptions(userID, currentPermissions, parentDiv, domainMessagingEnabled) { let tmpHtml = ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; // PATIENT MANAGEMENT tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; // form-group tmpHtml += '
    '; if (domainMessagingEnabled) { // MESSAGING tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; // form-group tmpHtml += '
    '; } // PATIENT ENROLLMENT tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; // form-group tmpHtml += '
    '; // CONTENT MANAGEMENT tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; // form-group tmpHtml += '
    '; // FULL ADMIN tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += ''; tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; // form-group tmpHtml += '
    '; tmpHtml += '
    '; // row $('#' + parentDiv).html(tmpHtml); $('.ui.checkbox').checkbox(); $('.team-member-permissions-checkbox').on('change', function() { const userID = $(this).attr('data-team-member-user-id'); let selectedPermissions = []; const checkedPermissionsBoxes = $('.team-member-permissions-checkbox[data-team-member-user-id="' + userID + '"]:checked'); if (checkedPermissionsBoxes.length > 0) { checkedPermissionsBoxes.each(function () { selectedPermissions.push($(this).attr('data-permission')); }); } else { selectedPermissions.push('NONE'); } let params = {}; let endpoint = '/provider_update_staff_permissions/'; params.endpoint = endpoint; params.params = {}; params.params.team_member_user_id = userID; params.params.permissions = selectedPermissions; ajaxCall(endpoint, params); }); } function officeDiscussionTimeAgo(utc_timestamp) { const nowTimestamp = (new Date().getTime()) / 1000; const diff = nowTimestamp - utc_timestamp; if (diff >= 86400 /* # of seconds in a day */) { const timestampDate = new Date(utc_timestamp * 1000); return timestampDate.toLocaleString('en-US', {month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric'}); } else { return timeAgo(utc_timestamp); } } function removeTinyMCEEditor(editorID) { if ($('#' + editorID).length > 0) { const editor = tinyMCE.get(editorID); if (editor != null && editor.initialized) { editor.remove(); } } }